IN: Allen Co. S.O.R.N. Team – ‘It never stops’

ALLEN COUNTY, Ind. (WANE) – There are more than 450 sex offenders living in Allen County, keeping the local registry office very busy. The office focuses on three main components: offenders’ registrations at the physical office, the address verifications that the team leaves the office to do, and the investigations for violations. Full Article

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““What keeps me going is the community notification part of it. There’s no tangible way that I’ll ever know or any of us will ever know how many children we were able to keep safe. But, by doing what we do, we have it in the back of our minds that people are using the information that we publish on the register website and acting in a more safe manner. I’ll never know how many kids weren’t molested because of the work that I’ve done. Hopefully, that’s a great number and over the years, the number climbs. I hope that doing what I do is positively impacting the community in the information that we’re able to provide,” Smothermon said.”

Someone’s been drinking the kool-aid. Even the LEO’s believe their own propaganda that registries make the community so much safer, and waste their resource ignoring where the real threats exist: with people known and trusted who AREN’T on the registry! But at least all the wasted time and efforts brings them peace of mind, they can tell themselves it makes a difference EVEN IF THERE’S NO TANGIBLE PROOF THAT IT DOES!!!

How cute! He thinks that what he’s doing is keeping the public safe! Poor lemming.

“What keeps me going is the community notification part of it. There’s no tangible way that I’ll ever know or any of us will ever know how many children we were able to keep safe. But, by doing what we do, we have it in the back of our minds that people are using the information that we publish on the register website and acting in a more safe manner.

I have never read such false congratulatory pride and bravado! We can no longer allow them their ignorance.. it has become too dangerous. Their training, emotional bias and victim’s stories has brainwashed and reprogrammed them into thinking this way.

The really sad thing is that he actually THINKS he’s making a difference.

As for number of children he has saved from harm, that would be ZERO.

Their efforts to keep Megan Kanka from dying in vain will, ironically, always be in vain, but they will continue on with the fear propaganda and say anything to protect their cushy, pie jobs in their broom closets when they should be on the streets dodging bullets with the rest of their ilk.

What a waste of taxpayer money!

What is very telling are the statements by Cpl. Mike Smothermon a Officer of The Peace in the Extended Web Interview.

“…and I sleep just fine at night..” at the 10min point.

He brings up the subject of his personal sleep patters, it clearly is a issue of his own guilt for the violation of US Rights he has trespassed upon.

“I hope that doing what I do is positively impacting the community” at the 9min point

To find justification to offer to his guilty conscience from convicting him and punishing him The Peace Officer can only offer at the alter of his ego for a defence a abstract idea of doing good but not having any physical or concrete existence of proof there of.

Cpl. Mike Smothermon, a detective with the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Team should be ashamed for how he treats his fellow countryman.

Just like a good Nazi Team member.

It looks like I’ll never live in Indiana either, or Florida, or California, or Texas, or Utah, or Alabama. I keep asking myself- Is it really worth it